Bonus payment
It is a notorious fact that the payment of the bonus is approaching, to which all employees are entitled in accordance with article 87 of the Federal Labor Law (LFT). The minimum amount established is 15 days of the employee’s salary, and shall be paid as a maximum date on December 20 of each year. The LFT is decisive in the deadline that employers have to cover this benefit.
Likewise, employees who have not completed the year of service will have the right to receive a bonus. Regardless of whether they are working or not on the date of liquidation of the bonus, such employees will have the right to be paid the proportional part thereof, according to the time they have worked, whatever this may be.
The payment of the bonus is a benefit of the so-called “inalienable rights”, therefore, it is not subject to extensions, payments of less than 15 days, or with wages lower than those earned by the employee at the time of payment. In addition to the fact that, if this provision is not complied with, employers are subject to fines that can be between 50 and 5000 Measurement and Update Units.
At Trejo Gutiérrez Abogados, we have a group of experts in labor matters with more than 20 years in the market. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be glad to provide the personalized legal advice that you require, including regarding the bonus payment and its due compliance.